SIGGRAPH 97 Visual Proceedings CD Rom Supplementary Material for Technical Sketch "Intelligent Transmission of 3D Polygonal Models" ------------------------------------------------- Peter J. C. Brown Computer Laboratory University of Cambridge Pembroke St Cambridge CB2 3QG UK Descriptions of the supplementary files: - readme.txt (text), readme.unx, readme.mac This file. - Two parts of the image associated with the technical sketch: cessna1.gif (GIF) The view of the original Cessna VRML model. cessna2.gif (GIF) The view of the selectively refined version of the Cessna. - Text and figures of the Technical Report referenced in the sketch. This TR details our selective refinement construction and geomorphing algorithms applied to terrain modelling. trtext.pdf (PDF) Text of the Technical Report. trfigs.pdf (PDF) 2 pages of figures associated with the Technical Report. - Two animations which are alternative views of one traversal over a mesh which represents the Mt St Helens terrain dataset and which is selectively refined according the the current viewpoint. The animations demonstrate the unobtrusive way in which geomorphs can introduce (and remove) detail from an animated scene. (Quicktime) The traversal into the crater from its intended viewpoint. Continual alterations to the RCF force the resolution of the viewed area to be increased (by geomorphing) as the viewer nears the crater. (Quicktime) The same traversal as a plan view of the selectively-refined mesh with the visible geomorphs highlighted. Note that when a refining or coarsening which lies outside the current view frustum is required, it is performed without any geomorphing.